Thursday, February 24, 2011

I am so upset that our plan to kill Telemachus was foiled. How did he figure out that we were lying in wait for him? He must have had the help of some god or goddess, to have known how to avoid our ships. Now, I must lie to Penelope. She overheard our plotting, and was very angry. I was forced to say to her that none of the suitors would dream of hurting Telemachus. I feel rather bad about this. I want her to care about me, and I want to gain her trust. Lying would not be the best way to achieve this. Just today a stranger arrived at the gates of the palace. He was an old beggar, who wanted some scraps of food. I willingly gave him some of my bread. When he came to Antinous, however, there was a conflict. Antinous mocked him, and wanted him to leave. It escalated to a point where Antinous threw a chair at the old man's back. I was shocked! What if the old man had been a god in disguise? Furthermore, Penelope was furious, and asked to speak with the old man in private. I think that this is good for my prospects with Penelope. After all, Antinous was my main rival, and now Penelope is angry at him. I hope that we can successfully kill Telemachus and that Odysseus remains far, far away.

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